Welcome to JP Reimer's Website

There are many reasons why you might be here since I have many things going on in my life. Choose the option below that you think fits best - and come back frequently if you like what you see.

Follow our cross-continent trip with Elsie on Instagram elsie_roams: our home-away-from-home Sprinter van
Follow our cross-continent trip with Elsie on Facebook: our home-away-from-home Sprinter van
JPLogo Claterpult Website Check out the projects born of the Claterpult workshop
ClaterpultYouTube Claterpult Youtube I have produced several construction, assembly, and working videos for you to see how I have done my work - and just for your entertainment. Some of them give you a taste of my music as well.
Claterpult Workshop Facebook Check out this site for the latest news about activity in the Claterpult Workshop
Claterpult Instagram How about some photos? Plenty of projects in my life - including four very active ones!
LB 4 LB Facebook This option will link you to the music and events of Pound 4 Pound - the biggest "boy band"in the world.
Myspace Site Choose this one if you wish to hear some of the music I have composed.