The Rev. MJV Shaver, D.D.: His Words and His Works (click here for Home Page)

Prayer of Consecration (at Communion)

Congregation: Almighty God, we thank you for creation.

One: Big Bang or whatever, once there was nothing, then there was something. This is your doing and wondrous in our eyes.

Congregation: Holy God, we thank you for life.

One: Who can comprehend how a small planet got to be the right distance from the sun, got to be the right temperature, got to have the right amount of water so that life could emerge and flourish with such profusion.

Congregation: Praise be to God.

Children: God, you are so big and we are so small, we don't know how you can think of us at all.

Congregation: Gracious God, we thank you for the people of Israel.

One: Out of the turmoil of nations and empires, down the centuries, this stubborn stiff necked people were found by you and came to a knowledge of you that blessed all the people of the earth.

Congregation: Praise be to God. Loving God, we thank you for Jesus Christ.

One: He is the stone of stumbling that you made the head corner stone. He kept company with outcasts. He saved others that could not save himself. We behold the Glory of God in his face. He is the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.

Congregation: Praise be to God.

One: We do this in remembrance of Jesus, who on the night of his final feast with his disciples who abandoned him before morning, took bread, and after he had given thanks he broke it and said, "This is my body which is broken for you. Do this in remembrance of me". In the same way he took the cup after supper saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood shed for the remission of the sins of the many, all of you drink of it".

All: Almighty God, grace this memorial feast with your real presence so that we indeed feed on the body and blood of Christ, are nourished unto eternal life and empowered by your love of the world. Amen

Lord's Prayer

Host elevated - The body of our Lord Jesus Christ broken for us.
Wine poured - The blood of our Lord Jesus Christ poured out for us.